Social value – not just a badge on your website

Hannah Oldfield
Let’s move beyond superficial certifications to do work that makes a real difference
These days, everybody wants to know how “good” your business is.

Your investors want to know. Your customers want to know. Regulators want to know.

Signing up for an ESG-related kitemark or certification feels like a good way to show them. You hit a benchmark, you get your badge to prove it. Now your customers can purchase with confidence, knowing they’re spending their money with a company that cares about people and the planet.

But what happens when multinationals (who may be improving in some areas but still doing woefully in others) are awarded the same certification as businesses who are working really hard to make a difference?

What happens when the privately-owned companies awarding these certifications are making a boatload of money – how altruistic can they really be?

Are these benchmarks really for brands that want to change the world? 
Or just for brands that want to change their reputation?

If your company is only interested in keeping up appearances so you can go back to doing what you do, exactly as you’ve always done it, an off-the-peg solution is extremely appealing.

But is it the best possible marker of doing good you could possibly have?

Isn’t the best possible marker of doing good – actually doing some good?

A shiny badge is nice, a certificate is nice, but it’s the cherry – not the cake.

The cake is your commitment. The cake is your culture shift.

The cake is CHANGE.

A CHY audit might not look flashy on your website. It certainly won’t cost £hundreds or even tens of thousands. But it will make a difference to the good you do in the world. 

We’ve been doing social value since 2006 and have helped hundreds of organisations do better for people and the planet. We’ll give you an objective, impartial review of where your business is doing social value well, and constructive feedback on where you could do better. 

There are no hoops to jump through here, no money-making games to play.

Just common sense advice from social value experts, and a helping hand.

Sounds good? 

Drop us a line

 CHY Consultancy is an accredited audit partner of the Impact Evaluation Standard.
